
by Choicer



Want to choose the perfect profile picture? Don’t know how to dress? Need to do research? Do you want to select the perfect logo for your business? or maybe you just have a dilemma?With Choicer, you have an opportunity to runyour global polls, get to know your targetaudience and stay anonymous if you’d like to.With Choicer, you’ll quickly increase your reach by helping other users with their dilemmas and creating greattarget audiences who will share their opinions on anythingyou’d like to know.Know what they think right away. Thanks to dynamic app design, you’ll know the collective opinion on the same afternoon. Keeptrack of your polls and decide if you want to follow the wisdomof crowds.Gain relevant answers tobothering, disturbing, bugging questions.Creating a poll is simple. Add a dilemmacomposed of two possibilities and set itscategory.If you want, you can share your dilemmas with yourfriends on social media, or you can stay anonymous.Follow trends, discover preferences, and get answers!Tap into unlimited polling potential!Crowdsource your choice.